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Friday, January 15, 2010

Notable Vacant Building Less Notable

The highly visible vacant building at the corner of Ninth and Q Streets and Rhode Island Avenue received a lot of press over the years for the images adorning it (see, for example, this Washington City Paper article). On one end of the building were images of a coffee shop (with some choice French words indicating displeasure at the building's situation). On the other end of the building were images and quotes of Dr. Carter G. Woodson. I actually originally named this blog in homage to a quote written on the side of the building that read "Bienvenue a Shaw, Slum Historique."

In furtherance of the repairs I noticed last week, workers began painting the building yesterday in a solid cream color. I think it improves the appearance of the block and building, so I am pleased to see the images go. However, the images deterred a lot of graffiti over the years and the new blank walls could provide a canvas for taggers until the building is sold and renovated, so I hope that the owner will continue to repaint regularly.

1 comment:

IMGoph said...

congrats on catching this first. shame that you weren't credited when other blogs decided to "break" this story as well...