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Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Reader Request: Support Shaw's Tavern!

A reader submits the following important request to help Shaw's Tavern secure its liquor license.

In case you hadn't heard, Shaw's Tavern has gotten in trouble with ABRA (which issues alcohol licenses). The City Paper reports the full story, but the details are pretty silly: They used their "soft opening" to host a charity event for victims of domestic violence and, allegedly, served—but did not sell—alcohol. ABRA would have given them a "one day" license for this special event, but they simply failed to do that. Because of this harmless misunderstanding, the bureaucrats at ABRA may decline to give Shaw's Tavern their liquor license. This would doom the business, since most restaurants rely on drink sales to survive.

Having lived a few doors down 6th St for over four years, I was elated to see the business open, and got to know their management well. I really could not have been more delighted with how they fixed up a building that had been a terrible eyesore and turned it into a wonderful attraction that could help to catalyze the revitalization of a neighborhood that has yet to recover from the '68 riots. I have also found the managers to be truly thoughtful social entrepreneurs, who care deeply about neighborhood revitalization.

I plan on attending Wednesday's hearing at ABRA in person to make sure ABRA doesn't derail this great effort for such a harmless, innocent mistake. I'd encourage all of you attend to show your support, too. But if you can't, please take a moment to "sign" this online petition to show local support for Shaw's Tavern. After you sign, please share the petition with your friends on Facebook or Twitter!

The ABRA hearing will take place at 3:30pm on Wednesday at at 2000 14th ST, Suite 400S (14th & U). I hope to see some of you there!;


IMGoph said...

it will be a miscarriage of justice if they are not fined. if you break the rules, you should have to face the music, intentional or not.

just because people are excited about the business doesn't mean it should get a free pass.

Anonymous said...

If they knew about it and failed to act upon the rules, the folks running Shaw's Tavern are to blame.

If the didn't know about it, acted in good faith, and it really was an innocent mistake, all's well on the western front.

Either way, we need more restaurants in the area. The more choices the better, and it seems to be working in other parts of the area.

shaw east said...

seems like a dumb law -- if you're giving booze away to adults, why do you need to get a special event license?

Anonymous said...

Any update on what the decision was?