One of the items that caught my eye on the agenda for the January 5, 2010 ANC2C meeting is "Lincoln Westmoreland Housing/WMATA, BZA Application 18182: requesting zoning relief for the construction of a new apartment building at 1710 7th Street, NW (2C01)." Washington City Paper's Housing Complex has the story, with images, about the proposal. City Paper reports the building "will replace a decked-over parking lot, have retail on the ground floor, and still leave some green space for a sculpture installation. . . . . According to a representative of the non-profit developer, some of the needed capital will come from low-income housing tax credits, which means the units would likely be priced to be affordable for people making 60 percent of the area median income."
Jesus christ, no more subsidized housing in Shaw. WTF. Seriously, it's like 50/50 between people that pay real estate taxes and people that recieve subsidies in our neighborhood. Can a single other NW neighborhood take the hit this time?
This is a sad use of a primary asset in Shaw - one of our main transportation hubs. On top of the metro we should have dense mixed income housing, including a significant amount of market-rate, plus meaningful retail and commercial/office space in order to further develop the neighborhood. The idea of continuing to put up more low income housing on top of the metro is extremely short sited. Shaw is also already over saturated with low-income housing with at least 6 large projects within a 3 block radius. Build it somewhere else.
I'm all for affordable housing...really I am, but enough in Shaw already...what's so bad with our 'hood getting a market rate building?
Looks like Shaw is becoming the Tenderloin of DC.
I live in Capitol Hill and wouldn't mind getting an affordable housing building here. I have no problem with affordable housing in principle. But put the building in a stable neighborhood.
Shaw already has to many social issues. If the neighborhood is ever going to stabilize and become a normal neighborhood it needs to boost the market based component.
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