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Monday, June 30, 2008

1212 9th Bought by Owner of Old Dominion

Check out yet another interesting post over at the BAANC (Blagden Alley and Naylor Court) Blog. The blogger reports that Hanny Chan, owner of Old Dominion Brewery, has purchased 1212 9th Street from Selp-Help (which last year pursued plans to develop workforce housing on the empty lot using Walnut Street Development's drawings for a market rate development it previously proposed). For now, the lot will be used for parking. The ultimate use of the land is still unknown, but Chan will likely scrap Walnut Street's plans (sad -- I liked them!).


Anonymous said...

Oooohhhh, I loved those plans!! They fit so beautifully into the street, I thought...

Anonymous said...

it will be a nice, legal, safe attractive parking lot that is illuminated and has the proper insurance.


Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as an attractive parking lot

DG said...

the Flats was a great project. too bad the market tanked when it did.

Anonymous said...

but come on... what a no brainer...

a pay to park lot AT the Convention Center that is so desperately under-served in terms of parking to begin with...

Brilliant idea... cash cow

Lauren McK said...

Random info -- I talked to my favorite waiter at ODB, and he told me that the owner was currently looking at several proposals for the lot, but would be using it for employee parking for right now. Additionally, the owner and major shareholder (his brother) would be opening an identical ODB up in Collage Park.

In other (possibly disturbing) news, he also told me that Breakwells had been bought by a Middle Eastern man. He found this out because the man came into ODB to eat, Wednesday or Thursday afternoon, after he closed the sale. Any way someone can follow up on this rumor?

si said...

its true, the new (ethiopian) owner is now running the place...staff is very nice. nothing else has changed but they did get broken into a couple weeks ago...ANC 2C02 Commissioner Kevin Chapple reported the sale:

Anonymous said...

The Flats project was first rate and would have been a wonderful addition to the neighborhood. A lot of money was spent on the project's plans and design. Any future developer of that space will certainly pay heed to what was previously approved and likely move forward from that point.

And, to be sure, that space will be developed ... eventually. Let us hope that it in line with what was planned for the Flats or even better.