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Monday, October 08, 2007

Parcel 42: An Endorsement and Questions Raised About ONE DC's Endorsement

Kevin Chapple has had, as usual, excellent coverage of the proposals for Parcel 42's development (check out all of the proposals here). He recently endorsed and uploaded additional renderings of this proposal by Banneker Ventures, LLC and Community Preservation and Development Corporation (DPDC), which is, by far, my favorite proposal aesthetically. Commissioner Chapple also gives a run down of a lot of the other benefits of this proposal's design and specifics, which I'd never considered but with which I agree.

On a related note, Commissioners Chapple and Padro have recently raised questions about ONE DC's endorsement of a different proposal (read the story here) and have commenced a dialogue with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor about the same. ONE DC has apparently mounted a campaign to advance their endorsement with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor (check out ONE DC's campaign here). It seems ONE DC's endorsement is motivated largely by a financial advantage ONE DC will gain from its endorsed proposal rather than the best interests of all involved and an objective judging of all proposals.


Anonymous said...

I had an idea that I'd like to run by you, ShawRez...I've seen online petitions, and I wonder if we could use them via this or other blogs to get messages out to Jack, Alcohol Board, etc on issues we care about?

Anonymous said...

Let's get this straight - the city is trying to close down Sursum Corda and Kelsey Gardens because the concentration of low income housing is a blight on the community from a crime perspective, but they're supporting a new, non-mixed development of the same just blocks away? Perhaps we'll get lucky and Horning Brothers will default on this like they did the City Vista - leading to a 2 year delay in the project and then a complete overhaul of the plan. There should be more community input on these decisions. After several years in the neighborhood and over a decade as an outspoken city-supporter, it's moves like this (and the related crime) that are making me seriously consider cashing out and taking my tax dollars and spending money to the burbs where I only have to worry about where to spend it, not where I have to go to avoid being robbed of it. Once enough people like me roll out, there will be no cash cows to pay for such projects.