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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Treebox Vodka

It’s no secret that I’m not in love with the name I chose for this blog—it’s long, negative, hard to remember, and so forth. Accordingly, when I hear others’ catchy, memorable blog titles, I admittedly get blog title envy. Well, that happened today when a neighbor sent me a link to his new blog entitled Treebox Vodka, a blog documenting one man’s frustrations over and fights with litter in our area. He states that the “title Treebox Vodka was inspired by the wonderful bottles of Vodka I pick up on my way to work in the mornings out of tree boxes.” Clever, right?

I look forward to reading about his efforts, struggles, and observations. And I look forward to helping his cause in fighting the ever-present litterers trashing our great neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

Cute name! Re. the recent post about retail, I think it would be cool to have a California Tortilla on 9th....great food, good price.

Anonymous said...

Quite brilliant! And am happy to see someone focusing on the trash issues we face, which seem to often take a back seat to bigger problems.

The littering around Shaw drives me nuts. I can't understand how anyone thinks its ok to throw junk on the ground, especially given the number of convenient public cans around.

My biggest pet peeve is when I see little kids littering in front of their parents and the parents don't bother to correct this behavior. Those people should be ticketed.

Great job Treebox Vodka!

Anonymous said...

Agreed - great blog name! And also happy to see someone focus on the trash...

It appears to me from watching people drop trash almost daily on Q St that they don't even consider the possibility that anything is wrong with dropping wrappers, cans, etc on the ground when they're done with them...

Not sure if there's any way to "make" someone respect themselves, their neighborhood and neighbors...but i'd be open to suggestions...How do you feel about Woodsy Owl signs???

In the meantime, I'll keep picking up after them and hoping they eventually see Shaw looks a lot better without crap everywhere...

Shaw Rez said...

I could be totally naive and/or giving people too much credit, but I think that when others see you picking up trash up and down your block, they're less likely to be careless with their refuse on your block.

I don't think signs or sayings do anything to curb litter, but more public trash cans (there are not nearly enough, in my opinion), cigarette butt disposal things, and good citizens who care enough about our neigborhood's appearance to pick up the trash of others goes a long way.

Anonymous said...

Views of the village elder:

1. Throwing down trash is willfully marking territory. Same as a dog peeing on a tree. When an alley is filled with trash and grafittied, it is the underworld e neon sign inviting diversified criminal activites as it means regular people are too afraid to come back there. Trash on the street means "keeping it ghetto." Picking up the trash defies the ghettofiers. Having lived 245 months at the 9th and Q "vortex of neglect," I've picked up trash going to and from work and on weekends twice a day for a total of 12,700 times. I will continue to do so.

2. I was told that liquor bottles and under trees may have African roots related to libations or propitiating dieties. It certainly can be linked to Santeria rituals sprinkling sacred trees with rum.