Jimbo's recent post about folks being irresponsible with their trash prompted a little self-reflection on my part. While I’m a bit of a litter nazi, I must confess a shameful secret: I have not recycled anything since moving to the new manse. Well hopefully that will change very soon, as I finally ordered a recycling bin from the city today.
Looking up and down my alley, it appears that I’m not the only one in need of a blue supercan to abate mother-earth-unfriendly refuse habits. Acquiring one could not be easier: all you have to do is contact the Citywide Call Center at (202) 727-1000 and request a recycling bin. The call takes all of 2 minutes, requires no financial expenditure, and will cause the delivery of a beautiful blue "trash" can within days.
Once you receive the bin, all you need to do is place all of your clean recyclables into it. No separating is required: just place items loose into the cart, including newspaper, office paper, mail, paperback books, corrugated cardboard, paperboard (cereal boxes, etc.), metal cans, glass containers and narrow-neck plastic bottles. Wheel your bin out on the same day as your garbage pick up, and voila, you’ve helped out mother earth.
PHOTO CREDIT: D.C. Department of Public Works
It's not related to your post, but I remember you'd shown interest in the bldg at 9th and O NW. Logan Circle's Crime and Public Safety Committee has had extensive correspondence on this property and is apparently the impetus behind the recent work. See the info on 1400 9th St. NW at their website: www.anc2f.org/ccps.asp.
thanks, Anon! I knew I'd spoken too soon about signs of life when I saw the plywood going up over the windows. Glad it's being secured; wish it were being restored instead.
Easy?!?!? I wish!
it took me 6 months to get a recycle bin. not a fancy blue cart, just a bin. I was not deemed worthy of a cart. within a month my bin was stolen so I had to wait another 6 months for a new...bin. I watch it like a hawk, so far so good. I wish i had a nice blue wheely cart but I will guard my bin and use it wisely. go al gore!
Interesting, Si! When we first ordered our new trash can, it came almost the next day. I assume that the recyling "blue wheely cart" delivery will be as prompt, but will let you know otherwise.
I read on the DPW website that they're phasing out the bins so that the paper products will not get as wet awaiting pick-up. It *might* be worth trying to ask for one. . .
Ooooh dont get me started on trash cans! Ive had 3 of those stolen & I only get the small green ones (so I ask for 2 - seperately). At least they come fast... DPW has decreed that my block shall not receive any wheely recepticles at all and they wont tell us why. around the corner? fine! but not my block. I have been trying ever since the wheely carts came out. i hope your cart comes swiftly. Let us know!
For some reason the 600 block of Q street has also been deemed a "no wheelie cart" zone by DPW...I've tried numerous e-mails and phone calls but never get an answer as to why certain Shaw neighborhoods don't have the same services the rest of DC enjoys??
Anyone have any ideas???
While we're at it, those of us who live in apartments also sometimes like to recycle. We keep talking to our landlord who tells us to leave bags of newspapers or other containers of recyclables next to our trash chute and they'll recycle them, but we've seen the building maintenance just tossing them down the trash chute. Sigh. We would like to find a way to recycle...
I feel sorta bad reporting it in light of the bad experiences had by others, but I received my blue recycling can on January 2, 2007, just days after my initial post!
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