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Sunday, October 25, 2009

DCMud Reports on Infill Proposed for 1900 Block of Ninth

Above is a rendering of a proposed mixed use (housing, office and studio spaces, with an emphasis on arts) development in the 1900 block of Ninth Street. A parking lot currently occupies the lot where the project would be built (and man oh man wouldn't it be great to see that plot of land put to better, more attractive use!). DCMud has the full story.

What do you think about the proposed project? I think all would concede the development would stand out (for better or worse) from the surrounding buildings.


Carm said...

I love it! I think the practice of trying to make new buildings match old ones is boring - I love to see a commercial block spiced up with some modern architecture.

Alex said...

It's a block and a half from the Metro and block from the proposed 'Jazz' development. There are taller buildings scattered throughout the surrounding area. Will it stand out? yes. But no more than the old Y building on 12th street or the charter school on 8th.

It should be built.

Anonymous said...

unlike the buildings cited (I think all are on corners, which makes a difference), this is way out of context in the rest of the block and would hurt the character of the block. the third o fourth story should be set back to keep the rythm of the rest of the nearby facades.

Andy said...

Hurt the 'character of the block'? What 'character' is that?? A row of shitty Ethiopian 'restaurants' and battered Crown Vic cabs strewn along the roadside?

Any development on 9th is good development.

Go back to Kansas.

Shaw Rez said...

It's an interesting debate -- desiring to keep the character of historic areas while at the same time encouraging investment, allowing for creative and innovative architecture, and getting higher density.

I like the idea of a notably modern building occupying this space. That said, I kinda think that the fourth story should be set back a bit, so the general lines of the low slung two-to-three story buildings fronting the east side of the 1900 block is preserved.

DG said...

I'm all for new development, but this looks like they made no effort to look good in its surroundings. It doesn't have to look like everything else - but context Does matter.

Unknown said...

I think diversity in style, and heights helps to create character. Modern mixed with Victorian, differing height levels, etc, help create variability. I think that's a good thing I know there are others that prefer uniformity in style and height but to me that is what suburban cookie cutter sub-divisions resonate.