after I began blogging about Shaw, realizing that the original name was a bit wordy, hard to remember, and too negative sounding given the context of my writing. The new name attempts a bit of a play on words and, I believe, is more in line with the substance of my posts than the prior name: I speak regarding (or "re:") the Shaw of today--an increasingly amenity filled, development hotspot with a diverse population and rich history--and I speak as an advocate for the general renewal of the neighborhood.
Anyway, I hope that you like the new name and that you continue reading this blog as we all help make Shaw a great place to live.
I couldn't find contact info...but in case you hadn't seen it, your blog was mentioned in this month's Washingtonian (page 12) in reference to Shaw being the "bloggiest" neighborhood.
Congrats on the new name. Couple of HTML notes...
- your header image is a little too wide for the design and pushing right in Firefox and Safari
- isn't currently pointing to your blog (though is). This may be a propagation issue though.
Maureen - really?!?! That's fun! I'll have to check that out!
ML - header issue is being addressed now... I'll hopefully have it fixed within the hour! Growing pains...
Congratulations on the rebirth!
This is cool! I like the new name very much!! :)
New name is great...and I enjoy checking in with your blog frequently...keep up the good work! I do believe all the Shaw bloggers are having a positive unifying impact on the neighborhood!
Love the new name.
luuuv the new name..
liked the old one..but your right the new sounds more positive..
Rickshaw? Oh, Renewshaw. Now I get it. May I suggest a new makeover for Shallow Baptist Church, too?
BTW, someone pointed out your BF, who is just too cute for words. And he comes with culture and brains, too. You are sooooooo lucky.
these two are hands down the cutest couple in dc
As of today, June 18th the SHILOH properties along 8th street have been stamped with a "DANGER" sign from the 'Board of Condemnation' with attached petitions!!
I have pictures to prove it!
Very good news, Sailor_girl! I think the stickers announce what was decided--and what Shiloh should already be on notice of--at last week's condemnation board meeting.
I assume this means that Shiloh has a new deadline for those buildings, and if they don't meet that deadline, the board will vote to take action and the process for getting bids etc. for the city to do the work and institute a lien will begin.
After I started blogging I realized that the name I picked, not appreciating the value of brevity at the time, was way too long, but since I am too cheap to pop for a URL, I'm stuck. Best wishes.
Richard - as always, thanks for the comment; I love your blog.
I am hoping my recent incorporation of ads into this site will not detract from overall reader experience--and indeed may even add to that experience--and will help offset the cost of the new dot com status/cost.
The historic slum theme park remains: the many undertaxed nostalgic ruins (vacant properties), mosquito-infested Lake Woodson with dirt hiking trail (instead of sidewalk) at 8th and Q, festive evening pyrotechnic displays (gunfire), down home West Virginia double-wide trailer library, closed community swimming pool in Lorton Prep (Shaw Junior High). ...just to name a few.
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