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Monday, December 18, 2006

A lot to catch up on. . .

Sorry for being MIA the past few days; work (of the work-work type and the house-work type) has kept my nose to the grindstone. I was in Albany, New York on Thursday and Friday, and in Home Depot and Tyson's on Saturday and Sunday. The following is a rundown of some of the topics about which I might have made substantive posts if I'd had time:

1. Living in Shaw offers an easy commute to Reagan-National--it's hard to beat our short drive or our direct metro ride there.

2. A 5 hour, 46 minute flight delay due to fog makes for a long travel day. My 9:59 from National took off around 3:45. UGH.

3. Our ANC meeting made the City Paper.

4. I flew back to D.C. on Friday night. I've never flown into the city at night--it is GORGEOUS, people. We came in over RFK and then cut up over upper northwest. It was stunning to see the lit up street grid, circles and avenues from above. I tried to make out Shaw from above: I believe I saw the Kennedy Recreation Center. Ultimately we flew along the Potomac to see the Washington Monument, aglow and reflecting in the water. Gorgeous.

5. Home Depot on Rhode Island, though not a good example of responsible land use or pedestrian friendly urban infill, is UBER convenient when you have a car.

6. Brunch at Vegetate is really, really good. The portabella and goat cheese sandwich, the ________ croquettes (I'm blanking on their delicious ingredients) with balsamic glaze, and the cheese grits all make wonderful starts to a Sunday afternoon. I can't wait to enjoy a Bloody Mary with my vegetarian bliss. Note: I'm not even a vegetarian...

7. I have a close-by neighbor who is a saint to his block. Apart from his general neighborly activism, I recently witnessed him raking leaves along the sidewalk across the street from his house on Saturday (I almost parked on his leaf piles thereby thwarting his progress--oops). I've been thinking about how I need to be a better neighbor along my block by making weekly chores out of picking up trash up and down the street; he's motivated me to put my aspirations into action.

8. Mari at InShaw has a great rundown of things to do in preparation for leaving town for over the holidays. Be on the lookout for suspicious activity at your neighbors homes' these next few weeks!

9. Speaking of Vegetate, they're open normal hours this week (Wednesday through Saturday, 6 PM to 10:00 PM, Sunday 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM), including Sunday Brunch on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2006, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. What a great option for retreat from the holiday humbug.

10. Shaw Main Streets' has a great list of Shaw-based holiday gift ideas on its website. With only 6 shopping days left until Christmas, this is really handy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Risotto... it's Risotto Croquettes and they are life changingly good!